Proc Fees

Find all the latest Proc Fees from our lenders here

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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Commercial Express1.25%0.70%0.35%
All Other Products1.25%0.70%0.35%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let1.25%0.625%0.31%
ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.80%0.35%0.18%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All products0.80%0.40%0.20%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.90% + £1800.50%0.25%
Residential & Adverse0.90% + £1800.50%0.25%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
Buy to Let 1.50% 0.75% 0.375%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Secured Loans2.00%100% proc fee0.50%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let 0.80% 0.40% 0.20%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.80%0.37%0.18%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Secured Loans 2.00% 100% proc fee 0.68%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products 0.80% 0.35% 0.30%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.85%0.45%0.22%
Semi Commercial1.20%0.60%0.30%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral servicee
All Products2.50%1.25%0.62%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker  Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging Finance2.00%1.00%0.50%
Buy to Let & Semi Commercial1.50%0.75%0.38%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.80% Gross (£12,000 max)0.40% to Broker (£6,000 max)0.20%
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All other products1.7%0.85%0.42%All other products1.7%0.85%0.42%

ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let1.00%0.50%0.25%
Commercial / Semi Commercial1.50%0.75%0.375%
Product Transfers0.50%0.35%0.175%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Residential Near Prime0.80%0.40%0.20%
Buy to Let0.70%0.45%0.22%
Further Advance0.35%0.25%0.10%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let
(Club Route)
Buy to Let0.85%0.45%0.22%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let1.00%0.60%0.30%
Bridging (unreg & reg)2.00%1.00%0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.95%0.50%0.25%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Versatility range0.80%0.35%0.18%
Buy to Let0.42%0.20%0.10%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let 0.85% 0.45% (0.225% for a referral)
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging Finance2.00%1.00%0.50%
Buy to Let0.85%0.50%0.25%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Optimal 1.50% 0.75% 0.375%
All other plans 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.80%0.40%0.20%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let 0.80% 0.50% 0.25%
Residential 0.80% 0.50% 0.25%
Bridge to Let Bridge - 0.75% Bridge - 0.375% Bridge - 0.19%
Bridging 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let1.10%0.70%0.20%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let/Commercial1.50%0.75%0.38%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let1.00%0.50%0.25%
All other products2.00%1.00%0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.80%0.40%0.20%
Self Build1.00%0.50%0.25%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Business Credit Facility3.50%1.50% 0.75%
Property Investor Credit Facility 2.00%1.00%0.50%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated
Secured Loan 2.00% 100% proc fee 0.68%
Commercial 1.75% 0.875% 0.44%
BTL Non Portfolio 0.90% 0.45% 0.225%
BTL Portfolio 1.20% 0.60% 0.30%
Buy to Let 1.75% 0.875% 0.44%
Product Switch/Refinance 0.75% 0.375% 0.19%
Bridging 2.20% 1.10% 0.55%
Switch & Fix 0.50% 0.25% 0.125%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
For Bridging Loans over £100,000 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
For Bridging Loans under £100,000 1.50% 0.75% 0.375%
Heavy Refurb / Development Bridge 1.50% 0.75% 0.375%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Secured Loan 2.00% 100% proc fee 0.68%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging 2.00% 1.00% proc fee 0.50%
Term 1.00% 0.50% proc fee 0.25%
Dev 1.00% 0.50% proc fee 0.25%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All products1.00%0.55%0.275%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.90%0.50%0.25%
Offset Mortgage0.90%0.50%0.25%
Family Mortgage0.95%0.55%0.275%
Residential Mortgage0.80%0.40%0.20%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.85%0.50%0.25%
Club Route0.60%0.50%N/A
Product Transfer0.30%0.28%0.14%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products0.80%0.40%0.225%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Bridging (1st & 2nd chg2.00%1.00%0.50%
Buy to Let (1st chg)1.25%0.625%0.3125%
Buy to Let (2nd chg)1.25%1.25%1.25%
Consumer Buy to Let1.25% (£7.5k max)0.625% (£3.750k max)0.375% (£750 max)
Residential (1st chg)1.25% (£7.5k max)0.625% (£3,750k max)0.375% (£1,250 max)
Residential (2nd chg)2.00% (£7.5k max)2.00% (7.5k max)2.00% (£4.5k max)
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let 0.90% 0.45% 0.225%
Bridging 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
Residential (unencumbered) 1.00% 0.50% 0.25%
Secured Loan 2.00% 100% proc fee 0.68%
Residential Product Transfer 0.40% 0.20% N/A
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
All Products1.00%0.60%0.30%
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Product Gross Fee paid by lender Net fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Residential - Fixed Rates 0.75% 0.375% 0.19%
Buy to Let (1st charge) 0.90% 0.50% 0.25%
Buy to Let (1st charge Limited Edition) 0.75% 0.40% 0.20%
Bridging (standard) 2.00% 1.00% 0.50%
Bridging (£5m +) Refer Refer Refer
Re-Bridging 1.50% 0.75% 0.375%
Secured Loan 2.00% 100% proc fee 0.50%
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ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated brokerNet Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.85%0.45%0.22%