Secured Loans


We NOW pay you 100% of the lender Proc Fee.
Everybody seems to be talking about Second Charge Loans right now. Clients on competitive mortgage rates who want to raise capital, understandably don’t want to lose a low rate by remortgaging, a Second Charge could be the answer.
We also run a referral service so if you are not able to give advice yourself we can help with that too!


Why a Second Charge mortgage could be right for your client:
  • Your client’s current mortgage has Early Repayment Charges (ERC’s)
  • The current first charge mortgage is on a competitive rate which they wish to retain
  • Your client has minimal equity for a remortgage
  • Affordability could work out more on a secured loan versus a remortgage (interest only on the first charge)
  • Your client has a complex credit profile which would make a remortgage more expensive
  • The purpose of the loan may not be acceptable to first-charge lenders
Second Charge Fee Structure
NB. loans redeemed within 12 months will be subject to a pro-rata clawback of procuration fee. Bespoke pricing available on request.


Dean Preston
Dean Preston Head of New Business
Emily Lawn Case Manager
Chloe Walker Enquiries Manager


Option 3 (then option 1 new business, option 2 existing case)