Consumer Duty


The Consumer Duty rules define the standards of outcomes firms such as ours are expected to deliver. We intend to always comply with these standards by:

  • acting in good faith
  • avoiding foreseeable harm
  • helping consumers achieve their financial objectives

We intend to demonstrate we are able to achieve good outcomes, including the needs of vulnerable customers by ensuring we offer:

  • Consumer understanding – we ensure consumers are equipped to make good decisions and that information is made available at the right time and is understandable.
  • Price and value – products and services should be sold at a price that reflects their value. There should be no excessively high fees.
  • Product and services – products and services offered should be fit for purpose. The terms match the target consumer needs and products and services work as expected.
  • Consumer support – customer service should be responsive and helpful. It should be as easy to complain about or switch and cancel products or services, as it was to buy them.